We the unwilling, led by the unknowing,have done so much with so little for so long,we are now equipped to do the impossible with nothing. I’ll start with the question of reality itself. What is it, what is it … Read more
The Chakras, Body Armor, and Global Transformation
Hey Chitheads! Chit is a Sanskrit for consciousness. So CHIT HAPPENS! Check out this fantastic interview I recently did with Jacob Kyle of Embodied Philosophy on Chakras, Body Armor, and Global Transformation. Learn about myths and psychological aspects surrounding these energy centers of the body, and … Read more
We all need to take care of this planet together
The new year is the only time of year that everyone in the world acknowledges the same day, regardless of what country you live in, what religion you practice, what race, age, or gender you are. We all mark this … Read more
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS asked to Anodea Judith about her latest book:ANODEA JUDITH’s CHAKRA YOGA. 1. How long have you been working with the chakra system and how did you originally connect to it? I first discovered yoga in 1975. There weren’t … Read more
Meditation for Climate Change
The COP 21, the Paris climate conference is upon us. There is nothing more important right now than making substantial changes in the way we treat the environment, particularly mitigating climate change. If we do not act now, disastrous consequences … Read more
Gateway to the Core
Everything—both living and non-living—has a core. Every tree, every blade of grass, every animal, every rock, even the earth itself has a core. Living things grow outward from the core, lengthening as they grow, and expanding from the inside out … Read more
CHARGE! The Vital Key to Healing the Life Force
Everyone wants to feel more alive. Yet most people are simultaneously afraid of feeling the full “charge” of their aliveness. Taught to contain their charge through common child-raising practices, well-meaning school systems, and culture in general, the raging statistics on … Read more
My Tribute to the Royal Road of Yoga
Anodea Judith’s Chakra Yoga is finally here! “At long last, here is a modern guide to teach us Chakra Yoga. For decades, I have been waiting, wishing, longing for such a book as Anodea Judith’s Chakra Yoga. Chakra Yoga is … Read more
30 Years of Dancing Across the Rainbow Bridge
Remember when we couldn’t trust anyone over 30? That was 50 years ago, and I was still in my teens, wistfully watching the news about Woodstock, still too young for my parents to let me go. Age 30 seemed like … Read more
Why Not a Matriot Act?
The USA PATRIOT ACT is due to expire on June 1. Now that we have a woman running for president, maybe it’s time to introduce a MATRIOT ACT instead. A MATRIOT ACT would state that the greatest threat to our … Read more