Doctoring Your Chakras

Event Date: 2016-02-29 - 2016-04-25
Event Location: Teleclass
Country: USA
City: Teleclass
State: California
Event Information: Doctoring Your Chakras: Free Teleclass with the Chakra Doctor, Dr. Jacqueline Chan, D.O.
Other Contact: Register now for this FREE CALL! 5pm - 6pm PST / 8pm - 9pm EST
Email Address:
Phone Number: 707.338.4067

FREE CALL: Monday, February 29th

In this free call, Dr. Jacqueline Chan will give you two practical health tips for each of the major 7 chakras, one based in the field of Holistic Medicine, the second based in the underpinnings of intuition medicine. Topics include healthy energetic boundaries, the basics of detoxing, what stress does to our sex hormones, mending the gut, principles in tending to your cardiovascular health, symptoms of thyroid imbalance and what to do about it, tips for good cognitive care for higher thinking and clarity and lastly how to access your divine intuition.

Register for FREE CALL now!

This free call is part of a bigger 7-week online course:
The Healthy Chakra Tune-Up with the Chakra Doctor
The Ultimate Physician for your Chakras
Healthy-Chakra-Tune-upSure, you could go to several different practitioners and get some of this advice. You could see a nutritionist, a hormone expert, a therapist, an energy worker, and a meditation teacher. They would all give you different opinions. Each one would require an appointment, just to tackle that one thing. Few would have the map of the chakras, or if they did, they would be unlikely to have the solid medical background to go with it. With The Healthy Chakra Tune Up, you get all of this in one place, from the comfort of your own home, even on your own time. What a great way to embark on your new year to make sure that all your systems are functioning optimally, physically, energetically, and spiritually! Give yourself the gift of health. You will never regret it.

7-week Chakra Healing course.
$247 for early bird, $347 after March 1, 2016.

Sign up now to receive lots of incredible bonuses!
I'm ready to start my chakra healing


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