Coming into Balance: The Fall Equinox

September 21st is the Fall Equinox—an important moment of balance between light and dark. In a world dangerously teetering out of balance between these two primordial, cosmic forces, it is worth all of our time to reflect on what balance really is. In yoga, it is a very important concept.

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I am currently up in the Pacific Northwest on a remote Island in British Columbia where a canceled workshop at Hollyhock proved to be a blessing beyond compare when it became a personal retreat.

I realized how out of balance I had become, working all the time, how rare and important it is to get to just “be.” How else can we unfold the stresses built up over time and make room to download the Divine?

As you enter the dark time of the year, reflect upon all that hangs in the balance at this time in our world. The Patriarchal mindset that broke the back of the Goddess of Life is spinning toward calamitous Death without Her. Masculine and Feminine, yang and yin, are way out of balance, but we must first bring them back within ourselves.

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How much do you make room to get away from the yangxiety and go yin-side? How much time do you make for emptiness, quiet, darkness, earth, and rest?

We all know that doing less is good for the environment, but it is essentially good for the soul.

This Equinox take some time to remember the balance within you. Do a practice of balance poses and honor the balance of Heaven and Earth, transcendence and immanence, above and below, inside and outside, Divine Father and Divine Mother, all coming together within you.

And celebrate that we have the capacity to be all of that.

Anodea Judith