Meditation for Climate Change

The COP 21, the Paris climate conference is upon us. There is nothing more important right now than making substantial changes in the way we treat the environment, particularly mitigating climate change. If we do not act now, disastrous consequences for the whole world and the future of the human species will occur. The refugee crisis is just the tip of the iceberg of what we will see if sea levels rise according to predictions.

Yesterday, I joined The Shift Network in a global meditation to support the conference. I thought, “Why do this just once? Why not every day of the conference?”

I imagined the Eiffel Tower was a huge radio antennae. (Actually it was going to be destroyed in 1909, but they did repurpose it for a radio antennae.) I imagined this could channel the hopes and dreams of humanity as it faces into its initiation into the next era, the era of the heart, and channel this into the conference. I imagined standing on top of the Eiffel Tower and looking out at the all the rooftops in Paris and seeing the gleam of solar panels everywhere. I imagined the streets lined with green trees, sizable parks, even rooftop gardens. I imagined I could see even farther to a greener earth, a thriving people, living in peace and prosperity, with the plants and the animals. 

This can be done, but we need everyone to do it. We need everyone to see the possibility.

Climate change is the biggest opportunity for global cooperation the world has ever faced. It is a make or break moment for us all and for future generations.

Will you join me in this visualization? Because of the difference in time zones, I believe it will be effective no matter when you meditate, so choose a time that is best for you to really concentrate. Pray for the highest outcome. Visualize the world we know in our hearts is possible. Help make it happen.

Thank you,

Anodea Judith