Cosmic Relief 2013: A State of the Universe Address

Event Date: 2013-04-03 - 2013-07-03
Event Location: Teleclass - From the Comfort of your own home
Event Information: Cosmic Relief 2013:
A State of the Universe Address
Other Contact: Sign up for free here
Email Address:
Cosmic Relief

If you're like me, you can sometimes take yourself and the struggles of the world too seriously. Could you use a little humor to blow off steam and open your heart?

Or how about a giant belly laugh that helps you see our global crises from a whole new vantage point?

Well you're in luck!

This past April Fool's Day, we had an opportunity for some enlightened tomfoolery because Swami Beyondananda, the renowned Cosmic Comic, delivered his long-awaited antidote to the planetary doldrums:

Cosmic Relief 2013: A State of the Universe Address
Sign up for free here

If the state of our world has you down, the Swami is able to use his powers of levitation to help you rise above it. His goal is to help you dissolve the illusion and see that it's actually the Shift that is now hitting the fan (yes, with an "f")

Swami is beloved as one of the world's favorite metaphysical mischief-makers; he delivers "comedy disguised as wisdom, and wisdom disguised as comedy"!

Since laughter is the gateway to both healing the heart and freeing the mind, you're sure to leave this event more liberated.

So, do join him for a rockin' good time, and invite a friend or two to join you!

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